WAF offers a diverse range of activities, featuring notable architecture, landscapes and monuments. Register on WAF’s mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.

Central Park architecture+landscape tour
1 September 2021 at 6:30 pm
400 Cumberland
Please join tour leaders Marieke Gruwel (architectural historian) and Bob Somers (Landscape Architect, Scatliff+Miller+Murray) for a free public tour of Central Park's architecture, landscape architecture, and public art, new and old. Purchased in 1893, Central Park was one of Winnipeg’s first parks.
Central Park, as you see it today, was completed in 2012 and designed by the landscape architecture firm Scatliff+Miller+Murrary. Since its reopening, Central Park has again become a vibrant urban park.
The tour begins at 18:30 at the Waddell Fountain (north end of the park near 400 Cumberland).
This Winnipeg Architecture Foundation tour is free and wheelchair / stroller/bicycle accessible.Public safety protocols will be followed.