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Green Blankstein Russell and Associates: An Architectural Heritage-Book Launch
7 December 2017 at 7:00 pm
McNally-Robinson Bookstore,1120 Grant Avenue, Unit 4000.
Join us for the launch of "Green Blankstein Russell and Associates: An Architectural Legacy written by Jeffrey Thorsteinson and Brennan Smith.
Winnipeg-based architecture firm Green Blankstein Russell and Associates (GBR) opened in the slow years of the Great Depression. From this inauspicious starting point the firm would grow to become, by the 1950s and 60s, a major player on the Canadian architectural scene: the largest architectural office between Ontario and British Columbia, with seven offices in four provinces.
GBR was a hub for partnership and training, and was a pioneering force in its inclusion of women and members of Canada's diverse cultural communities within the field of design. Covering a wide range of individual buildings and practitioners, this book explores the significant mark GBR made on its hometown and across the country, as well as the firm’s role as a leader in the growth of Modernist architecture in Canada.
Jeffrey Thorsteinson (architectural historian) and Brennan Smith (art historian) have written this book for the Winnipeg Architecture Foundation.
2017,160 pages, $35