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Jacques Tati, tombé de la lune
28 April 2023 at 7:00 pm
Dave Barber Cinematheque, 100 Arthur Street
Directed by Jean-Baptiste Péretié
2021, France, 60 minutes, French (with English subtitles)
The glorious failure that was Tativille, Jacques Tati’s ambitious film set consisting of fully realised modernist architecture, is the stuff of legends. In Jacques Tati: Tombe de la Lune, director Jean-Baptiste Péretié, whose previous films include profiles of Buster Keaton, Al Pacino and John Wayne, effectively goes beyond the rote story we’ve heard time and time again. Through an impressive amount of behind-the-scenes footage, we witness the full scope of Tati’s spectacular rise as entertainer and gentle commentator on modernity. Péretié leaves us with a renewed appreciation for the doomed Tativille and its genius, obsessive architect Tati.
Screened as part of the Architecture+Design Film Festival adff.ca
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