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Black and white image of a man outside a building.

Modernism, Inc.

22 March 2024 at 9:15 pm

Dave Barber Cinematheque, 100 Arthur Street


Directed by Jason Cohn
2023, USA, 78 minutes, English

Modernism, Inc. explores the intersection of postwar business, culture and design through the life and career of Eliot Noyes, the iconic architect and designer who built the design programs for IBM, Westinghouse and Mobil Oil. The Noyes story shows how the ideals and ethos of Modernism were embraced by the postwar cultural elite before being challenged in a countercultural backlash.

Sponsored by Wolfrom Engineering.


The Dave Barber Cinematheque resides in the main floor lobby of Artspace. The main entrances at Arthur St. and King St. have automatic door push triggers. There are 9 to 10 steps from the entrance to the main lobby. The West side entrance of King St. has a wheelchair lift to access the main lobby. The lift measures 54’’ by 37’’ and has a maximum capacity of 340 kg.