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Only in theatres
30 April 2023 at 4:15 pm
Dave Barber Cinematheque, 100 Arthur Street
Directed by Raphael Sbarge
2022, USA, 94 minutes, English
Only in Theaters, a film by actor/director Raphael Sbarge, is an intimate and moving journey taken with the Laemmle family, spanning nearly three years of challenges, losses, and personal triumphs.
Laemmle Theatres, the beloved 84-year-old arthouse cinema chain in Los Angeles, is facing seismic change and financial pressure. Yet the family behind this multigenerational business—whose sole mission has been to support the art of film—is determined to survive. This is a story about a family business, but also about the future of cinema.
Sponsored by Ken King, Ottawa
Screened as part of the Architecture+Design Film Festival adff.ca