WAF offers a diverse range of activities, featuring notable architecture, landscapes and monuments. Register on WAF’s mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.

Osborne Village Kids Tour
17 June 2023 at 10:30 am
Meet outside in the public square of the north west corner of Osborne and River
Calling all kids and families! Join cartoonist Kaj Hasselriis on a walking tour and scavenger hunt of Osborne Village. Each kid will get their own cartoon map of Osborne Village plus a treat at the end of the tour!
This is a FREE tour for kids, presented in partnership with the Osborne Village BIZ.
All attendees must register. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The Winnipeg Architecture Foundation's 2023 programming has been made possible with support from the Winnipeg Foundation, the City of Winnipeg, and the Province of Manitoba.