WAF offers a diverse range of activities, featuring notable architecture, landscapes and monuments. Register on WAF’s mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.

A black and white photograph of a row of historic houses on Edmonton Street in Winnipeg.

Research the History of Your House Workshop

17 February 2024 at 1:00 pm

101-177 Lombard Avenue


Have you ever wondered about the history of your house? Join local historian Christian Cassidy for his workshop “Research the History of Your House.” In this workshop, Cassidy provides useful tips for researching the history of homes and commercial buildings in Winnipeg. He will show how to effectively search free, online resources, such as Henderson Directories, newspaper archives, and other databases and archival collections. The workshop will be approximately one hour including a question and answer period.

This event is free to attend. No registration is required. It is rush seating and we recommend arriving early to confirm your seat.

101-177 Lombard Avenue is wheelchair accessible. There is an accessible and gender neutral washroom on site.

The main entrance to the building on Lombard Avenue has a ramp. When you enter the building, the WAF office is located on the main floor to the left.

There is one accessible parking spot (1 hour) across the street from 177 Lombard and another accessible parking spot (2 hour) in front of 167 Lombard. City of Winnipeg parking fees may apply.