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The Power of Utopia: Living with Le Corbusier in Chandigarh
21 March 2024 at 7:00 pm
Dave Barber Cinematheque, 100 Arthur Street
Directed by Karin Bucher and Thomas Karrer
2023, Switzerland, 84 minutes, English/German (with English subtitles)
With the construction of the Indian planned city of Chandigarh, the Swiss and French architect Le Corbusier completed his life’s work 70 years ago. Chandigarh is a controversial synthesis of the arts, a bold utopia of modernity. The film accompanies four cultural workers who live in the planned city and reflects on Le Corbusier’s legacy, utopian urban ideas and the cultural differences between East and West in an atmospherically dense narrative.
Supported by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Montreal.
The Dave Barber Cinematheque resides in the main floor lobby of Artspace. The main entrances at Arthur St. and King St. have automatic door push triggers. There are 9 to 10 steps from the entrance to the main lobby. The West side entrance of King St. has a wheelchair lift to access the main lobby. The lift measures 54’’ by 37’’ and has a maximum capacity of 340 kg.