WAF offers a diverse range of activities, featuring notable architecture, landscapes and monuments. Register on WAF’s mailing list to be notified of upcoming events.

Winnipeg Downtown Skywalk Tour
7 May 2022 at 2:00 pm
This three-hour guided tour, by Christian Cassidy, takes you through Winnipeg's downtown Skywalk system from the Convention Centre to the Richardson Building. Along the way, find out how the downtown south of Portage Avenue transformed from a leafy residetial neighbourhood into the city's Central Business District in less than a century. We will talk about the history of some of the buildings we pass through and see photographs of what they replaced.
The tour makes three sit-down discussion stops where you can purchase a soft drink, coffee, or beer, (Elephant and Castle Lounge, True North Square Food Court, and at happy hour in Hy's Lounge.) For this reason, there are a maximum of seven participants per tour and they are restricted to those 18 years of age and older.
The tour is FREE thanks to sponsors Downtown Winnipeg BIZ and the Winnipeg Architecture Foundation. Guests are responsible for the purchase of their own beverages.
A change in public health restrictions between now and the tour date could require lounge owners to require masks or proof of vaccination. It is strongly suggested that you bring both with you just in case.
The tour is entirely indoors, so don't dress too warmly! A cheap indoor option for parking where you can leave your jacket in your trunk is below ground at Portage Place. The rate is around $10 for the entire afternoon.
Offered on three dates: May 7,14 and 28 at 2 pm